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Podcast | The Technology of Dune

We will cover the ever-developing digital workspace. Together and with the help of experts we will unpack this broad term - Digital Workspace.

The ecosystem blends people, processes, and technology so that work can get done.

We will focus on the various moving disjointed pieces which need to work together in harmony to enable the user with seamless and highly effective end user experience.

Who is this podcast for? Digital workspace advocates, leaders, and visionaries looking to share and learn from industry experts, get inspired, and find fresh ways to make the digital workspace work!

The target is the digital workspace nirvana, a seamless integrated workplace which allows a user to get their work done, anytime, anywhere and on any device.

▬About Valuu & ValuuWorkspace ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

At Valuu, our mission is to help our customers realize value by harnessing the power of their data, people, and skills.

Valuu Workspace is an innovative OKRs management platform to help businesses efficiently track and mitigate potential scenarios, enabling the effective achievement of their initiatives.

Why Valuu Workspace? Our advanced technology and inventive solutions enable organizations to gain actionable insights, make informed decisions, and effectively execute tasks

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All Valuu Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHlAxSORKtEJdUagKIXcpMWtdMJX-oPf4

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► LinkedIn Ryan Purvis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanpurvis/
► LinkedIn Heather Bicknell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heatherbicknell/
►Listen to the podcast on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/the-digital-workspace-works-podcast/id1511898932
►Listen to the podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6SPyqBJiZhwc37WORul9Sa?si=863ada5e6be54f35
► Website: https://www.getvaluu.com/
► Join our community of like-minded individuals sharing knowledge on #digitaltransformation : https://community.valuu.ai/home
► Create your OKRs here for your Digital Transformation Project: https://www.getvaluu.com/okr-generator
►Tell us about your needs here: https://valuuexecs.typeform.com/to/SkNAPi2G